速報APP / 娛樂 / My Voice Changer

My Voice Changer





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



My Voice Changer(圖1)-速報App

My voice changer is great fun Application. "My Voice changer" changes a girls voice into a boy or a boy can talk in girls voice. Using this Awesome entertainment application you can have a lots of fun with friends. Talk in each other voices will make the scene great, This Application have the mode of Girl Voice Changer that allows you to talk in girls voice You Will recored your voice and My girl voice changer do the trick for you and change your

voice into beautiful sound of a girl. You can change your voice as a teenage girl, a old woman, a young man or a middle age woman or girl. My Girls voice changer allows you to talk in kids voice also.

Just record, change your voice and and listen for yourself how your voice looks in a girls voice.

My Voice Changer(圖2)-速報App

Features of My voice changer :

--> You voice will be changer in girls like voice.

--> Features including, teen-age girl voice, kids and senior people voice.

My Voice Changer(圖3)-速報App

--> Instant record and playback feature.

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My Voice Changer(圖4)-速報App